Hinduism in Action

Reform of Social Practices -
Caste is not essential to Hinduism.

Hinduism values scientific development.

The Social Class structure (Varna system) was initially started for smooth and efficient functioning of the society. Caste (as Varna degenerated into it) is not intrinsic to the Hindu tradition and the social compact in Hinduism is constantly evolving and many Hindu Reformers are working to overcome caste.


Constant and Unchanging

Social agreements and practices in Hinduism are continuing to evolve,
although the spiritual core remains constant.

The spiritual core of Hinduism is searching and understanding the mystery of consciousness and our being.

Reform of Social Practices

The spiritual core of Hinduism is searching and understanding the mystery of consciousness and our being.

However, the Social Practices - Rights and duties - have gone through reform from time to time and will do so in the future. Hindus accept that laws should change as the society evolves and becomes more advanced.

Varna System

Unity is a very important message in Hinduism. The categories or professions, based on the spheres of activities, were initially started as the Varna system for smooth and efficient functioning of the society. In the Bhagavad-Gita (4.13), Lord Sri Krishna himself declares “According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me.”

It did not depend upon the family one was born in, contrary to what the caste (a Portuguese word) system dictates. The three siblings in the same family could have different chosen professional classes. There was the freedom to move from one profession to another, based upon one’s preference and training. But somehow, this Varna system degenerated into castes where one caste became superior to the other, which is a perversion of the Hindu Varna system.

  • Research question: Compare and contrast the caste system to race relations in the USA.
krishna statue singapore
Statue of Krishna, Singapore

Moderation: Following A Middle Path

Hinduism proposes a Middle Path - a path that does not deny the senses but does not to overly indulge in them.

Concept of Time in Hinduism: Cyclical and Endless no Beginning and End

Just like death is not the end but a gateway (birth) to the next cycle, it is also true of the universe itself. Hindu scriptures speak of the universe going through cycles: current cycle of 8.64 billion years and the period of the largest listed cycle is 311 trillion years.

Hinduism believes that cosmos go through reincarnations. For example, the book “Cycles of Time” by Sir Roger Penrose (he has received numerous prizes and awards, most notably the Wolf Foundation Prize in physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking) presents a somewhat similar view on the Big Bang: essentially the idea is that there was a pre-Big Bang era and there will be a post-Big Crunch era too.

Carl Sagan - Hindu Concept of Beginning and End of Universe
Time Space

Heart of Hinduism

Living by Hindu Beliefs


Hinduism is more than a religion; it’s a tradition - a way of life. Therefore living by its beliefs is what counts - not just the beliefs. Whoever follows this tradition and lives accordingly is a Hindu. Thus being born in a Hindu family or conversion from some other religion is not necessary.

God is Pivotal in a Hindu Life

God is pivotal in a Hindu life but Hinduism approaches this subject with a great deal of humility, without any room for arrogance, recognizing that there are many paths and each one, followed with sincere devotion, will lead to liberation. From the Hindu perspective, everything in the universe has the spark of the Creator and therefore we are all connected – humans, animals, plants, and even the so called “inert” objects.

Nonviolence & Compassion

Nonviolence and compassion are the greatest virtues. Hinduism is a tradition that most highly celebrates diversity and ecology – respect for all of God’s children and the creation.

Enjoying Life Without Overindulgence

In spite of endless oppressions from outside, the reason Hinduism has survived, in fact thrived, over the centuries is due to its practical message: enjoying life without overindulgence in material pleasures, recognizing that as humans we have freewill but our actions have consequences, and doing our work, whatever it is, as an offering to God is our highest duty.

  • Discussion question: What other religions embrace non-violence and compassion?

Humanity of Hinduism: A Truly Pluralistic Tradition

“Hinduism, therefore, sees itself as being of universal significance, because it represents an entire range of spiritual possibilities and provides spiritual technologies by which one can practice any religion one chooses.

It can accommodate spiritual seekers who see God as personal, and also those who prefer an impersonal Absolute; it speaks to those who call themselves Hindus, and to those who do not. It even includes modes of practice for the gradual elevation of those who disbelieve in spiritual reality and who favor atheistic worldview.”

-The Hidden Glory of India, Steven J. Rosen
maha kumbh mela
Hinduism is like a big tent – where all true spiritual seekers with diverse viewpoints are welcome without any judgement. -Essential Hinduism, Steven J. Rosen


With the message of unity inherent in “Namaste” and respect for everyone’s sincere beliefs, Hinduism provides a common thread of humanity that eternally connects us all and underscores the immortality of the soul.

“Om shanti shanti shanti” is a prayer for peace.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti! Shanti simply means “peace”. Repeating it three times, combined with OM, implies peace in one’s entire being (body, speech and mind). Hindu discourses always end with

Om (or Auṃ, Sanskrit: ॐ) is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in dharmic religions. In Hinduism, Om is a spiritual symbol (pratima) referring to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (the ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge).  -Wikipedia

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace)!