Sat Chit Anand

Truth · Consciousness · Bliss

Recipe for Bliss

The sparks of the Divinity are within us; therefore Hindus have the concept of Anand (bliss). We are completely whole – nothing is missing – and this is how we are born.

In fact, there is nothing we can do to make us more whole! The challenge is to discover that we are at total Bliss. All our problems are external. Our true nature, our internal nature, is totally at Bliss.

If our consciousness (chit) realizes the truth (sat) about who we are (a part of the Absolute), then we will be at bliss (ananda).

-The meaning of "Sat Cit Ananda," an explanation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1970 ·

Darshan: Seeing the Invisible

To See and to Be Seen

The most fundamental Hindu ritual is ‘darshan’

gazing upon the image of the deity.

You look at the deity and the deity gazes back at you.

From Seeing the Invisible by Devdutt Pattanaik,

What Do Hindus Believe In?


In the Hindu belief system, each individual has a dharma that is their sacred duty, our “Calling”, unique to each individual, that we need to discover on our own and live by it.


Then, there is the law of Karma – as according to the Biblical phrase “As you sow, so shall ye reap.” You and I may do the same thing, but the results may be very different. We attribute this to past actions in this life or in previous lives. But karma is not at all fatalistic – we humans have choices. If our past actions can determine our present, then by our present actions, we ought to be able to determine our future.


This connects to the belief in reincarnation. A compassionate God gives us ample opportunities to correct our wrongs, to nurture our assets. This might take more than one life time. Hindus believe in reincarnation - we are on a circle/wheel of life which Hindus call Samsara, where the soul transmigrates after death, eventually reaching the human form, which alone is the gateway to the spiritual world.


Moksha is Liberation; it’s Salvation; it’s going Home – after all we are all spiritual beings going through a human experience.

Discussion question: Which of these do you find easier to accept? Which harder to accept?


In simple terms, Dharma is one’s sacred duty without which a person doesn’t realize the whole potential within oneself.

  • No single-word translation for dharma in western languages.
  • Dharma signifies behaviors that are in accord with right order—all that makes life honorable.
  • This includes duties, rights, laws, values, conduct, and ‘‘right way of living’’.


The law of karma is an extension of the relationship of cause and effect into the moral sphere.

Karma is not fatalistic – many Hindus themselves incorrectly cite karma to justify the attitude of fatalistic resignation and indifference to the circumstances of their lives and societies.

Properly understood, the law of karma emphasizes free will and insists upon moral responsibility.

Smooth Flowing Stream

Law of Karma and our Choices

Karma teaches us that our choices and actions are consequential!

Our Past is like water under the bridge. Experiencing the results of our previous actions means that our present action will dictate what happens to us in Future.

Therefore, the Present is most important.

Source: Wikipedia


According to Hindu Belief, life is a like a pilgrimage, a journey of experience, learning through many different births towards the freedom of spiritual liberation (moksha).

Birth is not an absolutely new beginning, and death is not extinction. Birth can be thought of as the point of entry to the stage of the world and death as the point of exit. This process or cycle of birth, death and rebirth is referred to as samsara.

This entire process of birth, death and rebirth is neither haphazard nor chaotic, but governed by the moral law of karma. Only as humans we can make choices. A cow doesn’t make decisions; animals act on instincts. Therefore, the human form is the highest form and we are all very lucky to be human and it would be a shame to waste this opportunity.

Hindu scriptures refer to 8.4 million species that one can be born into in this process, leading to the highest form, the human form, where we have the free will to attain liberation. Surprisingly, the modern science estimates the count to be somewhat similar: 8.7 million. (

Discussion question: What are the advantages and disadvantages to the concept of reincarnation?
Wheel of Reincarnation
Wheel of Reincarnation
Reincarnation - Very comforting! 
Most Hindus believe in Reincarnation – the compassionate God gives us ample opportunity to get it right so that we will all get Moksha eventually. Reminds us of the importance of Human Form where we have choices – Free Will; a gateway to Moksha. It teaches us righteous living!


What is the implication of understanding the concept of moksha in our daily life in the world? We appreciate the fullness in ourselves and now we can live and act out of joy, rather than for joy.

For a Hindu, the goal is not to go to Heaven (certainly not to Hell!) which is a temporary place and may even be here on earth. Going to heaven to a Hindu is like going to Hawaii in winter time and one has to come back to the cold when the credit card runs out! To a Hindu, the ultimate goal is to attain Moksha – Nirvana to the Buddhists, a much better known term in the west; there is even a music band called Nirvana – to escape the circle of life and be with The Infinite. After all, every time we are born, every time we die, and in between, there is pain involved. For example, who hasn’t suffered from anxiety? So, Moksha is Liberation; it’s Salvation; it’s going Home – after all we are all spiritual beings going through a human experience.

Good news is that according to Hinduism we will all attain moksha although there is no way of knowing how many lifetimes it may take. But it can happen in this lifetime when our good actions balance out our bad actions and we realize who we are, and all our actions are in a total selfless service, without any ego. We see people like this around us, doing what they should, with no expectations, and again no labels necessary.

Research question: Compare and contrast Moksha to the Christian view of heaven.

Moksha: Liberation

There is no concept of eternal damnation! We will all get Moksha – freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth – and unite with the Infinite. It is liberation – like going home. we all are spiritual beings having a worldly experience sooner-or-later, we will all get home and unite with our common Source!

Achieving Moksha: Selfless Service as Liberation

The inherent nature of the soul is to serve God.

But how does one serve God?

Selfless Service

In one of the Hindu scriptures, Krishna (God incarnate) declares, “I am the atman (soul) seated in the heart of all living being.” This emphasizes the teaching that God is self in us and also beyond us.

Selfless Service as Liberation

God is at the center of everyone’s heart.
Serving all those is need,
as an offering to God,
in a totally selfless manner
with no expectations of any rewards,
is serving God.
And that is Liberation!

Principles of Right Living

The Basic Values for Hindus remain the same through the Ages:
  • Truth & Non-Violence
  • Love & Compassion
  • Reverence & Care for Parents, Elders, Teachers & Fellow Beings
  • Tolerance, Kindness & Forgiveness
  • Purity both Ceremonial & Daily Life
  • Unselfish Social Service
  • Education & Pursuit of Knowledge
  • Detachment & Self-Control
  • Hard work, Patience & Fortitude
  • Unconditional Surrender to God

Yoga’s Ethical Guide to Living: The Yamas and Niyamas

Holy Spring Water at Tirta