Connecting with spiritual-but-not-religious people

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As pointed out in the SBNR article referenced in my last week’s blog, there are millions of spiritual-but-not-religious people – young and old – from various faiths of their birth.  Their numbers are growing as the society becomes more secular.

Most, if not all, Hindus believe in murti-puja and therefore it is an important aspect of how Hinduism is practiced today.  However, the same Hindus believe in pluralism  –  complete freedom to see the Invisible as one chooses – thus acknowledging that murti-puja is just one way.

Therefore, we Hindus can sincerely connect with the SBNR folks (and more importantly with our children) by focusing in our outreach on so many other beautiful aspects of Hinduism, as listed in slide#42 of the presentation at

Just my opinion and comments welcome.


  1. anonymous on July 2, 2017 at 1:45 pm

    Well said.
    I fully agree that this approach is more likely to resonate with young people in America growing up in Hindu households.

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